Comic Books

Five Great Things About 1980s-ish Comic Books!
The 1980s were a great time for comics. It seemed a renewed energy was breathed into the industry as new artists began sky-rocketing to fame, and new comic companies popped up almost weekly. Comic fans had a huge array of heroes, genres, and publishers to choose from, and finding that

Artists That Move the Needle
At A recent Marvel Comics retailer summit, Axel Alonso of Marvel claimed that there were fewer artist that impact comic book sales than writers. While I can see where he is coming from, as I will very often follow a writer from book to book or publisher to publisher, I think
Movies and Television

17 Days of Power Rangers Starts NOW!
I can’t be the only one watching the seventeen hour Power Ranger Marathon of all 23 completed seasons on Twitch? Right? —UPDATE— About 15 minutes in something went sideways and we are back watching the countdown. Here’s hoping the good people at Twitch can fix it! Please direct

New Ducktales Trailer!
Guys, guys, GUYS! There’s a new Ducktales trailer! I am so excited for this show! Summer can’t get here soon enough!

The Long Discworld: The Color of Magic
I am embarking on a mighty and noble quest. That’s right I am endeavoring to read the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett front to back. This no small feat. Pratchett wrote forty one books about the many different characters on Discworld. Using this infographic as a guide, I will set